Thursday, September 20, 2007

Complications & Prognosis of Disk Prolapse

Complications and Prognosis of Disk Prolapse

Can lead to pain on coughing, laughing, sneezing, urinating, or straining while defecating.
Intense pain radiating down leg (sciatica) due to disk compressing on spinal nerve
Can lead to pain on defecating or urinating if nerves to bowel and bladder are compressed.
Also weakness of the muscles of the genitourinary area. May lead to trouble urinating or erectile dysfunction.
Loss of sensation to buttocks, medial and posterior thigh.

90% of patients usually fully recover within a month or two with only use of paracetamol or NSAIDs to manage pain
Modified activity to rest the site and physiotherapy will improve the chances of the disk healing back to its pre-prolapse state.
About 10% of patients will require surgery and the success rate depends on the extent of the damage.
Day procedure with two to four week recovery time.
Usually works but general risks of surgery apply.

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